Home Stretch

ORC WEEK 6.jpg

This is week 6 of the Spring 2021 One Room Challenge. I feel like I am in some kind of race but, I’m not an athlete, never have been. A project definitely has a finish line and it feels like a race sometimes. When I come home at the end of the day on install day, boy do I feel like I have run a race or been run over - one or the other :0) This project is definitely a race that I plan on wining! Now, I’m not saying that I will win on the other room that I decided to add to this project, but I’m sure going to give it my best!

This project has not been easy but has been so good for me personally for several reasons: 1- there are clear start and finish times (I am a creative and time gets away with us some) 2- it has moved me to do some much needed clearing out & etc. 3- The reality of the end product and how awesome it will be has moved me along the process quicker even though there are pieces of the projects that I don’t want to do, I keep telling myself how wonderful it will be in the end so that propels me forward through challenging tasks. Just like I tell my clients, “it has to get worse before it can get better!”

We have completed quite a bit and now we are drawing close to the home stretch. We are planning on finishing strong! Now just a few more things on the to do list:

  1. Finish cleaning out boxes and filing things away and making a new home for everything 

  2. Hopefully install new desk/table and do final finish on the top

  3. Finish taking down wallpaper in the back hall :/

  4. Paint the trim in the back hall :/

  5. Hang back hall wallpaper :/

  6. Select and order rug for back hall

  7. Order light fixture for back hall & install it

  8. Clean out office closet enough so the door will close

  9. Finalize cabinet organization and weed out unneeded items

  10. Buy accent chair, table for beside chair possibly a pillow in chair

  11. Buy/select trash can and a container for plans

  12. Accessorize bookcases

  13. Hopefully window treatments will be done for the office and install those

  14. Maybe pressure wash and paint my back porch

  15. Work on reveal party :0)

Not much😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Watch and see if we can get it done and go check out the other Guest Participants of the One Room Challenge #oneroomchallenge to see their progress too!



Week 7 ORC | It’s a Wrap!


It's Really Happening!!